Friday, February 7, 2014


noah as a shadow man 

Yes, I know that's not how you spell waterlogged. Pat yourself on the back, you are good at spelling. If you didn't notice, you and I were meant to be friends. So, today's post was supposed to be a fun and flirty outfit but, since I was on barf duty with my littlest one I wore nothing that was fun nor even an ounce of flirty. So instead I will tell you about a new app that I first saw on my amazingly talented photographer friends Instagram (hi Andrea!) and of course because all of her photos are amazing I just assumed that watercolor was another talent she had, when in fact it was a very cool app! Yes, that too is a run on sentence, my husband would cringe but he won't read this anyway. So go get this app, it's called waterlogue, it's 2.99 and it's totally worth every penny. You can even take the painting you have created and make it a post card! So fun. Go pretend you are an artist now, like me!
yup I totally painted that, I didn't!
have no makeup on? no problem! waterlouge it. 
oooOOOooo a sunset 
even children look cute in watercolor
this kind of crappy picture of the sky turned out awesome
more ocean
yup, another sunset, don't worry you soon will soon be doing this to all your pictures too
and finally a lake, I knew you were waiting for that one


  1. It wasn't a run-on sentence! A bit rambling maybe, but grammatically sound. That app is very cool.

    1. Oh good! Sometimes I feel helpless when it comes to grammar!

  2. i have (and love) this app! (though i have mixed success with faces).... Another fun one is "Comic Action Camera - Halftone" It coverts picture to 50s/60s style comic (with the prominent dots)...they also have "Comic Action Camera" (without the halftone) which is more subtle...but i think if you are gonna go "comic"...go all the way!

  3. I need to get this, so cool. hope your girl is feeling better and that you did not get it!
